Sunday 20 January 2013

I Hate Smartphones

I've always maintained that the telephone has to be the worst invention humanity has yet devised. There's just something inherently intrusive and dehumanising about it; that at any moment you might be interrupted by the jarring ringing of the phone, demanding that you take part of some sort of pitiful excuse for an interaction with a fellow human being. Second to instant messaging, speaking in the phone is probably the worst way people can interact with each other - separated by distance, with no face-to-face contact, no ability to pick up on the subtle cues of body language or other forms of non-verbal communication.

And now phones have become even worse, thanks to the proliferation of the particular techno-plague that is smartphones. I can't think of another invention that encapsulates everything that is wrong with our modern civilisation:

Corporate Avarice: Telecommunications companies are some of the greediest entities in existence. Trying to select a smartphone plan is a futile endeavour of avoiding in the inevitable "Gotcha!" of hidden fees and extra charges. We're talking about companies who see absolutely nothing wrong with charging people for passively receiving messages.

Endless Waste: Western civilisation is ridiculously wasteful, in that we're constantly buying new things, then throwing them out a few years later to buy newer versions of those things, even though the old ones were still perfectly fine. Smartphone lineups change so often that you're pretty much forced to buy a new one every few years; there's been a new iPhone every year since the damned thing was first unveiled. What a complete waste of money and resources.

Endless Work: Our society considers the "good life" to be an endless treadmill of work and consumption, and now with the technology of smartphones in our hands, those things can spread their tendrils throughout all aspects of our lives. What is a smartphone but an electronic leash that your boss can use to make you work at all hours of the day?

Degradation of Social Interaction: Anyone who's ever been around a smartphone user knows that people just can't leave the fucking things alone for more than a minute! They're constantly plinking away at them like lab rats pushing a button to get the food pellet, completely oblivious to the world around them. Just last Christmas, we had a family member over for dinner, who proceeded to spend most of his time endlessly checking Facebook on his Android phone, while his wife spent all of her time playing some vacuous, idiotic smartphone game like Coin Dozer. I had to fight the urge just to grab the things out of their hands and smash them against the nearest wall.

Another time I was at a local cafe and saw three youths seated next to me, all of whom had gathered for the ostensible purpose of having coffee together, but instead they all chose to sit in silence, staring at their bloody smartphones! Then why the hell did you even get together in the first place, you twats? Is this how social interaction is going to be in the 21st century? Just staring at a little screen while on the go, and staring at a larger screen when we're at home? If that's the case, just bring on the nuclear apocalypse. Please.

Here's an idea: the next time you and your friends go out for dinner, have everyone stack their phones in the middle of the table. The first person who reaches for his phone pays the bill for everyone. I guarantee you this will result in a marked improvement in your social interaction.


  1. Amen, Dr Atomic.

    I think you and I may quite possibly be the only two people on the planet to think as we do.

    But then again, I also refuse to own a television, one of the worst and most successful means of cretinizing humanity ever invented.

    1. No worries, I also refuse to own a TV, for much the same reason!

  2. Fear not, my bretheren. You two aren't alone.

    I loath smartphones too, albeit for different reasons.

    1. Undeserved: a moron who won't properly use a basic cell-phone is even more irritating when they're still as unreliable with an even more complex phone. Ever had to remind the people whom you're going to contact or pickup later:
    a. got your phone with you?
    b. it's on?
    c. it's not on silent?
    d. it's charged? (needs charging every-single-day due to continuous power-drain from "free" always-on services like whatsapp)

    2. Unproductive: (situation is improving nowadays, though) sure you can store more contacts & notes, but can't freely manage/backup/edit addresses from 3rd party programs like from Excel or notepad, and can't easily import/export data across different phones of different brands/manufacturers with minimal reformatting effort. And until they have cheap keyboard interfaces available, the effort required IMO is still near equal to working with paper organizers & diaries. People who think they're comfortable with those blasted touchscreens probably never saw how fast we clicked away on keyboards.

    3. Unhealthy: understandable while travelling, but when some moron at home slouches on the sofa, staring neck-down into that tiny screen, I want to yell at those idiots to just use the computer for whatever SMS or $#%#$% app they're using.

    4. Overkill: it looks unforgivable when people take lousy pics with their high-megapixel cams. Fancier toys don't up your skill. Older phones can be used faster & more efficiently with right knowledge/practice. Most of the newer overpriced phones' featuers aren't needed by average people for the most common tasks.

    5. Bad quality: this is the fault of phone companies, but oh the irony when your high-tech phone's call quality sucks compared to old land lines. Might be due to phone companies trying to absorb the overwhelming growth by using DSP coding & compression techniques to reduce bandwidth (& costs!), rather than having a direct continuous line with clear continuous lagless sound.

    6. Them high-res screens are unreadable in sunlight, unless you max the brightness. Old crystal displays with on/off backlighting rule day/night!

    7. Slow. Bloatware. Oh god you can't imagine the pain of waiting even fractions of a second loading from menu to menu. So many times I'm rushing to call a certain contact name & I have 3 keystrokes from main page to that contact's submenu showing all his numbers, and I mess up by pushing buttons too fast before the next screen has stabilized. And I'm talking about an "old" keypad mobile! The graphicless 15$ supermarket cell-phones work faster than that!

  3. I posses an old windows mobile(v4.1) smartphone with a 133 MHZ ARM processor. Disadvantages that I discovered that it is slow and there isn't much software for WM smartphones. I don't use it often, if fact, I store it on my shelf and have no use for a phone. I used it for communicating(though I haven't many persons to communicate with, I used it not much), launching WM programs and even old dos games like Doom.

    Once my fellow was constantly interrupting our conversation in favour of sending SMS and that was annoying for me.

    And one more thing: you can be tracked by a phone company and they may know even your whereabouts.

  4. I've seen people worse than just smartphone addicts. It's not that important, there are more important things. Besides, better to be a smartphone addict than a stupid ape who even haven't ever seen a smartphone.

  5. В целом я не согласен с этим постом. Телефон и телевидение - полезные вещи, если их использовать правильно. Хотя я предпочитаю интернет телевидению. О таком использовании телефона, когда нужно сделать срочный звонок, например, 911, автор интересно подумал?
    Конечно по телевидению и в интернете показывают много всякой херни, но это не проблема технологий.
    Этот пост в целом - высасывание из пальца на тему "почему смартфоны так плохи".

  6. Можно ли определить расовую принадлежность автора по тому, что он здесь написал? Кажется, что автор не нордического типа. Нордики бы так писать не стали. Это похоже на остбалта, а остбалты встречаются в США и наверное в Канаде тоже. Хотя трудно сказать, может это вообще какой-нибудь мусульманский чуркобес написал. Я не знаком со всеми культурами, поэтому могу лишь исходить из того, что я знаю.

  7. Как Задорнов, только у этого "ну смартфоны плохие! Ну плохие!".

  8. I agree.
    Smartphones=dumb people
    The past 10 years I have just moved leaps and bounds ahead of everyone in my life.
    Any coincidence I don't have a smartphone?
    Didn't think so.

  9. The smartphone is designed for dumb people, a means of monitoring the masses and feeding them propaganda. If you have one take a sledge hammer to it.
